How long is How long does How many time does How many hours are
the city of Elizabeth lies lies the city of Elizabeth does the city of Elizabeth lie the city of Elizabeth does lie
where in where the place where in which
when it minds whether it matters how it matters if it works
Where does; go How do; go How does; goes How does; go
How, how What, what What, how How,what
How long is How often does How many times does How often is
How is Li Lei How does Li Lei look What does Li Lei like How does Li Lei like
How long is How far is How long does How far does
By giving them part-time jobs. By opening an account for them. By providing them with a sum of money. By recommending a member college to them.
when it minds whether it matters how it matters if it works
where in where the place where in which
By giving them part-time jobs. By opening an account for them. By providing them with a sum of money. By recommending a member college to them.
How’s; to live in How does; living What’s; to live in What does; living
How often, take place How often, hold How many times, taken place How many times, held