It’s none of your business It doesn’t matter to me Thank you for your reminding I will remember your words
Don’t worry about it It’s my share None of your business It’s up to you
So what How come Why not What for
It’s none of your business It doesn’t matter to me Thank you for your reminding I will remember your words
It’s none of your business No comment! Oh, that’s settled No possible
Why not what for So what How come
So what How come Why not What for
Why not what for So what How come
Keep your cool! It’s a piece of cakE. What a mess! It’s none of your business.
It’ s none of your business It doesn’t matter to me Thank you for your reminding I will remember your words
So what How come Why not What for
So what How come Why not What for
That’s all right Why not Sorry It’s none of your business
It’s hard to say There is no doubt None of your business It doesn’t matter
Don’t worry about it It’s my share None of your business It’s up to you
So what How come Why not What for
It’s up in the air. Yes, It all depends I have no time It's none of your business