deserve intend devote fancy
discussed debated quarreled spoke
3hours 6hours 1hours 2hours"
discussed debated argued quarrelled
deserve intend devote fancy
two hours ago two hours before two hours’ time two hours
For two hours During the two hours After two hours In two hours
replaced fined debated removed
debated bargained quarreled argued
Wanting the job very much Although wanting the job badly Though he wanted the job very much He wanted the job badly
Three hours before Three hours later Later three hours Three hours after
for three hours ago since three hours ago three hours ago since three hours
3 hours 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours
naturally elegantly at last at length
disputed debated quarrelled bargained
with three hours three hours ago in three hours three hours before
deserve intend devote fancy
6 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours
in the rushing hours at the rushing hours at the rush hours on the rush hours
to leave left leaves leaving