{α|0≤α≤π} {α|0≤α≤π或-6≤α≤-π}
≥70%,Hb≤1g/L,≤10g/L,≤50% ≥80%,Hb≤10g/L,≤1g/L,≤50% ≥70%,Hb≤10g/L,≤1g/L,≤50% ≥80%,Hb≤1g/L,≤10g/L,≤50% ≥70%,Hb≤10g/L,≤10g/L,≤50%
char≤long≤int≤float≤double double≤float≤long≤int≤char char≤int≤long≤float≤double float≤int≤long≤char≤double
{x|-1≤x<0} {x|0<x≤1} {x|0≤x≤2} {x|0≤x≤1}
0.1%≤i≤1% 0.3%≤i≤3% 0.4%≤i≤4% 0.5%≤i≤5%
A.eager to eager for anxious for anxious to
{x|a≤x≤b} {x|2a≤x≤a+b} {x|0≤x≤b﹣a} {x|0≤x≤a+b}
anxious for; anxious about eager for; eager about anxious about; anxious for anxious about; eager about
eager finding out eager to find out eagerly to find out eagerly finding out
a; a the; the 不填; 不填 不填;a
0.1≤P≤0.5 0.05≤P≤0.1 P≤0.5 P≤0.1 P≤0.05
≤15.0% ≤12.0% ≤17.0% ≤8.0% ≤9.0%
2≤k≤ 6≤k≤10 2≤k≤6 2≤k≤
are eager about are eager for anxious about are anxious about
a; a the ;the 不填 ;不填 不填; a
0.1%≤i≤1% 0.3%≤i≤3% 0.4%≤i≤4% 0.5%≤i≤5%
eager… generous eager…keen anxious…eager eager… anxious
eager; / eager; the anxious; / anxious; the