服饰的西化 洋货倾销中国 社会上的崇洋现象 学习西方的迫切愿望
岛屿周围的浅海 有暖流经过的浅海 温暖清澈的浅海 有河水注入的浅海
创制了简仪 最早做了关于太阳黑子的记录 制定了《大衍历》 最早对月食作了科学的解释
With the moon appeared The moon appeared The moon being appeared As the moon appeared
上海>天津>江苏>辽宁 天津>上海>辽宁>江苏 天津>上海>江苏>辽宁 天津>上海>辽宁>江苏
实现经济复兴 增加就业机会 国家干预经济 防止盲目竞争
中江贸易(香港)有限公司 中江国际贸易(集团)公司 2102911013 天津中江服装饰品厂 辽宁外运总公司
创办江南制造总局 开办轮船招商局 成立天津机器制造局 设立农工商总局
is appearing has appeared are appeared have appeared
With the moon appeared The moon appeared The moon being appeared As the moon appeared
have been waiting; has appeared have been waiting; is appeared have waited; has appeared have waited; appeared