Most supermarkets have a very large floor area. Most supermarkets have a floor area as large as that of an ordinary shop. Most supermarkets are on one floor only. Some supermarkets have a floor area at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop.
Most supermarkets have a very large floor area Most supermarkets are on one floor only Most supermarkets have a floor area as large as that of an ordinary shop Some supermarkets have a floor area at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop
Most supermarkets have a very large floor area Most supermarkets are on one floor only Most supermarkets have a floor area as large as that of an ordinary shop Some supermarkets have a floor area at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop
Most supermarkets have a very large floor area. Most supermarkets are on one floor only. Most supermarkets have a floor area as large as that of an ordinary shop. Some supermarkets have a floor area at least ten rimes as big as that of an ordinary shop.
Most supermarkets have a very large floor area. Most supermarkets are on one floor only. Most supermarkets have a floor area as large as that of an ordinary shop. Some supermarkets have a floor area at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop.
Most supermarkets have a very large floor area. Most supermarkets are on one floor only. Most supermarkets have a floor area as large as that of an ordinary shop. Some supermarkets have a floor area at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop.