was happened happening was happen happened
has happened is happening happened had happened
what happened to him what did he happen what he happened what was the matter to him
might grow would have grown needn’t have grown would grow
what happens what is happening what happen what happened
did he happen happened happened to him happened to he
might grow needn’t have grown would grow would have grown
might grow needn’t have grown would grow would have grown
happening had happened has happened happened
happens was happened happened has happened
what was happened what the murder happened what happened how the murder has happened
happened to happen was happened having happened
happened, lost has happened, lost happens, have lost has happened, have lost
might grow needn’t have grown would have grown would grow
is happened takes place is taken place has happened
happened was happened to has happened has happened to
might grow; hadn’t watered needn’t have grown; didn’t water would have grown; didn’t water would grow; hadn’t watered