tell, between speak, from say, of talk, between
ten minutes’ walk every day. two or three walks every day. long periods of exercise only. occasional short periods of exercise.
Cla和Clb Cla和C2b C3a和C3b C3c和C3g C3d和C3g
increase raise add promote
excessive fuel oil temperature long periods of engine overload metallic contact between nozzles and cylinder heads hard carbon deposit and varnish on the nozzles
promote raise remark increase
two days ago in two days for two days between two days
sense case state condition
that between their highest
conduction convection radiation none of the above
clothes credentials wages tools
tell, between speak, from say, of talk, between
ten minutes’ walk every day. two or three walks every day. long periods of exercise only. occasional short periods of exercis
sense case state condition
expose exposing exposed being exposed