heating being heated heated to heat
Heated Heating Being heating to heat
the former the first the latter the last
continue keep remain last
always be wide open when the compressor restarts continue to operate as if the system were in operation remain open until evaporator pressure equalizes, then close until the compressorrestarts always be completely closed until the compressor restarts
prove maintain continue remain
The diesel oil must never be allowed to mix with the heavy fuel The temperature of the fuel from the pre –heater should be gradually reduced afterswitching over the three –way valve The heating steam to the pre-heater should be secured as soon as the diesel fuel passesthrough the three-way valve The heating steam must be secured before the diesel oil passes through the three-wayvalve
whenever however wherever whether
not good good better the best
drop as the boiler warms up rise as the boiler warms up remain unchanged until the boiler is hot enough rise and fall with the steam demand
Commence draining that tank as quickly as possible Seal off all vents to that tank Activate the CO2 system to that tank Shut off the steam heating coils
as if as far as until as soon as