Study at home Do part-time jobs Take part in sports groups Do chores
international students solve their money problem in different ways international students can’t study full time because they have to do spare-time jobs American students prefer to study in their own country American students can attend colleges abroad easily
American students will become impatient if their friend is five minutes late neither Brazilian nor American students like being late in appointment being late in one culture may not be considered so in another culture Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time
in fact on holiday on time in danger
Differences between Chinese and Americans Chinese Students and American Students Chinese Parents and American Parents Chinese Values and American Values
leaving soon after class coming early arriving a few minutes late being on time
international students solve their money problem in different ways international students can’t study full time because they have to do spare-time jobs American students prefer to study in their own country American students can attend colleges abroad easily
Otherwise Generally Therefore Besides
international students solve their money problem in different ways international students can’t study full time because they have to do spare-time jobs American students prefer to study in their own country American students can attend colleges abroad easily
American students will become impatient if their friend is five minutes late neither Brazilian nor American students like being late in appointment being late in one culture may not be considered so in another culture Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time
Chinese parents usually give their kids money. American children love to make money by themselves. The reason why Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to good universities. Americans usually spend more money than they hav
leaving soon after class coming early arriving a few minutes late being on time
sensitively immediately automatically gradually
Otherwise Generally Therefore Besides