in this way; in the way; on the way; by the way;
That.. must be given What…should give Whether… would be given What… be given
cloth dress clothing costume
the box of bricks was heavier than him the box of bricks was lighter than him the box of bricks came down too fast the man was too careless
the box of bricks was heavier than him the box of bricks was lighter than him the box of bricks came down too fast the man was too careless
the box of bricks was heavier than him the box of bricks was lighter than him the box of bricks came down too fast the man was too careless
the box of bricks was heavier than him the box of bricks was lighter than him the box of bricks came down too fast the man was too careless
That; must be given What; should give Whether; would be given What; be given
control manipulation mechanism grudge
relight the boiler immediately to prevent loss of steam pressure relight the fire off the brickwork as the bricks are cherry red purge the furnace of any combustible gases before attempting to relight the fire speed up the feed pump to prevent dry firing when the burner flame is reestablished
consult with consult look up advise
the box of bricks was heavier than him the box of bricks was lighter than him the box of bricks came down too fast the man was too careless