They are electrically efficient. They are less expensive. They are flexible. They are environment friendly.
their advantages are not well-recognized. they do not work well if exposed to light. they need improving in appearance. they are not advertised.
creating electricity. cooling silicon solar cells. generating heat. powering solar thermal collectors.
Now, there is a good environment for the private sector to grow in producing solar power generated energy. There are encouraging measures that the government takes to propel the solar industry development. There are some reasons why the utilities are not interested in rooftop solar system. The advantages and disadvantages of making use of rooftop solar system.
In 2008, the amount of rooftop solar system installment experienced an increase over 50 percent. 95 percent of Californian families have rooftop solar system installment. More and more families installed rooftop solar system installment as a way to cut expense on electricity. There is no positive connection between economical situation and the amount of rooftop solar system installment.
pressed controlled powered pushed
their thermal applications are costly. they are too expensive to afford. they occupy too much space. it is hard to fix them on the roof.
build facilitate encourage oppose
Build. Facilitate. Encourage. Oppos
In 2008, the amount of rooftop solar system installment experienced an increase over 50 per- cent. 95 percent of Califorlia families have rooftop solar system installment. More and note families installed rooftop solar system installment as a way to cut expense on electricity. There is no positive connection between economical situation and the amount of rooftop solar system installment.
Now the reality is that the utilities and distributed solar generation can not cooperate very well. The utilities don’t want to share their business with the distributed solar generation. The utilities should help people to set up rooftop solar system when needed. People should pay to the utilities for the power generated from their rooftop solar systems.
The total amount of electricity generated by the centralized solar power plants are more than that by the individual households. The management of centralized solar power plants is key to the development of solar industry, though now it is not that good. Large companies that have a monoply over an industry can lead to the inefficiency in production. It’s a great advancement in technology to make use of desert to generate solar power.
The total amount of electricity generated by the centralized solar power plants are more than that by the individual households. The management of centralized solar power plants is key to the development of solar industry, though now it is not that good, Large companies that have a monoply over an industry can lead to the inefficience in production. It’s a great advancement in technology to make use of desert to generate solar power.
Now, there is a good environment for the private sector to grow in producing solar power generated energy. There are encouraging measures that the government takes to propel the solar industry development. There are some reasons why the utilities are not interested in rooftop solar system. The advantages and disadvantages of making use of rooftop solar system.
Now the reality is that the utilities and distributed solar generation can not cooperate very well. The utilities don’t want to share their business with the distributed solar generation. The utilities should help people to set up rooftop solar system when needed. People should pay to the utilities for the power generated from their rooftop solar systems.