Little I dreamed Little do I dream I dreamed little Little did I dream
the good education her parents gave her the support of her understanding and adventurous mother her inborn talent her ballet teacher
despise contempt support indifference
dreamed of we dreamed our dreamed of our dreamed that we
the most graceful dance stiff, ugly and unnatural a dance that she had dreamed of an invisible world into which she guessed she might enter
when my dad comes back where my dad goes when my dad will come back where my dad will go
dreamed of we dreamed our dreamed of our dreamed that we
when my dad comes back where my dad goes when my dad will come back where my dad will go
was teaching half a dozen babies to dance was teaching half a dozen babies to walk was collecting babies of the neighborhood was making babies of the neighborhood sit before her
parents should try to discover the natural gift in their children and help to develop it while they are young the so-called good education parents give their children only drives them into the commonplace and deprives them of any chance of doing anything original mothers should be heroic and adventurous ballet is no good as a form of dance