Why bother Why not So what What for
that; to advertising what; to advertise what; on advertising what ; on advertise
Why bother Why not So what What for
Why bother Why not So what What for
I=E/(R+ro) I=I/E(R+ro) I=E(R+ro) I=(R+ro)/E
Why not So what Why bother How come
I=E/(R十ro) I=l/E(R+ro) I=E(R十ro) I=(R十ro )/E
Why bother
Why not So what What for
advertised to be advertised advertise to advertise
+5价,ⅦA族 +5价,ⅤA族 +7价,ⅦA族 +7价,ⅤA族
advertise advertise for advertise on advertise to
So what What for How come Why bother
advertised to be advertised advertise to advertise
+5价,第ⅦA.族 +5价,第ⅤA.族 +7价,第ⅦA.族 +7价,第ⅤA.族
I=E/(R+ro) I=E(R+ro) I=R+ro/E
Why bother What for Since when How come
to advertise advertised to be advertised advertising
inform advertise announce publish