didn't told hadn't told would not tell would have not told
didn’t forget, told not to forget, have told won’t forget, have told haven’t forgotten, will tell
should have told must have told shouldn’t have told needn’t have told
had not told did not tell will not tell don’t tell
needn’t tell needn’t have told mightn’t tell mightn’t have told
don’t have to have to must mustn’t
must ought to needn’t can’t
should have told must have told shouldn’t have told needn’t have told
told tell have told would tell
can't mustn't shouldn't needn't
didn't forget, told not to forget, have told won't forget, have told haven't forgotten, will tell
can’t don’t needn’t mustn’t
didn't care much sent for a doctor looked after him and told him to have a rest gave him some medicine
If I knew If I know Had I known Did I know
quit leave suggest recommend
didn’t forget; told not to forget; have told won’t forget; have told haven’t forgotten; will tell
should tell should have told had to tell had told