eight thousand and four hundred and seventy-nine eight thousand, four hundred, seventy-nine eight thousand, four hundred and seventy-nine eight thousands, four hundreds and seventy-nine
eight pounds twenty-five pence eight pounds twenty-five pennies eight pound twenty-five penny eight pound twenty-five cents
n(n∈Z) 2n(n∈Z)
2n或(n∈Z) n或(n∈Z)
weight:valid weather;value weight:value weather;valid
eight-year-old eight year old eight-years-old eight-year old
Weight Ton Measurement Ton Length Ton Gross Ton
a eight-day eight days an eight-days an eight days’
Smooth(平滑) Radius(半径) Height(高度)
weight designation viscosity index pour point thermal change value
weight;valid weather;value weight;value weather;valid
eighthours sleep eight hour’s sleep eighthourssleep eight hours’ sleep
n⊥β n∥β,或n⊂β n⊥α n∥α,或n⊂α