instead of speaking and not to speak rather than speak but shouldn't speak
which,that that, what that, because that, that
As you like By all means As a result Believe it or not
绳对船的拉力逐渐增大 船所受水的浮力保持不变 岸上人拉绳的速度保持不变 岸上人拉绳的速度逐渐增大
第一次工业革命时期 第二次工业革命时期 第三次科技革命时期 文艺复兴运动时期
lay a poor man. laid a poor man. a poor man lay did a poor man lie
感应电流逐渐增大,沿逆时针方向 感应电流恒定,沿顺时针方向 圆环各微小段受力大小不变,方向沿半径指向圆心 圆环各微小段受力逐渐增大,方向沿半径指向圆心
of; from of; in in; from in; in
Happy and excited Happily and excited Happily and excitedly Happy and excitedly