Those who need a college education most are having the most difficulty getting it. Student loans are improving access to education for all. High-income families benefit most from student loans. How to moderate-income families benefit most from student loans.
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nearly; nearly near; nearly nearly; near near; near
nearly; nearly near; nearly nearly; near near; near
Not nearly enough Nearly not enough Enough not nearly Not enough nearly
DocmOpenForm"stUdent" DocmOpenQuery"student" DocmOpenTable"student" DocmOpenreport"student"
the amount of money owed is four times higher than before. four times as many students have loans than before. there are four times as many loans as before. four times as many loans are applied for than before.
Docmd.OpenForm "student" Docmd.OpenQuery "student" Docmd.OpenTable "student" Docmd.Openreport "student"
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I was a student that she was a student that I am a student that she is a student
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Nearly That nearly It is nearly When nearly
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there are a greater number of student loans than before. student loans are for higher amounts of money than before. more total money is owed by students than before. there are more students loans than before and the total money owed is more than before.
the effect of student loans today. how student loans are obtained. the sources of student loans that exist. the future of student loans.
harmful but necessary. completely unnecessary. useful but insufficient. useful but problematic.
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