you say what what you say to say what what you said
Yes, I coulD. Sorry, I couldn’t. Certainly. Of course not.
Thanks anyway It doesn’t matter Never mind No problem
Pardon me Sure Yes, please How’s it going
/; / the; a the; the a; one
Thanks a lot What a pity I'm sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
It’s a pity Thanks a lot I’m sorry to hear that. Thanks anyway.
You can’t miss it. I don’t know. No, I don’t know. I.’m sorry,I.’m new here myself.
I’m still on the fencE. It is hard to please all. Don’t have too many irons in the firE. Diamond cuts diamonD.
Never mind It doesn’t matter Thanks, anyway No problem
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
can't may not mustn't needn't
All right. Never mind Excuse mE. Thank you
needn’t mustn’t may not won’t
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Thanks a lot What a pity I'm sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
can’t mustn’t needn’t wouldn’t
Pardon How are you How do you do Yes,please