产品(Product)、促销(Promotion)、人员(Peopl、有形展示(PhysicalEvidenc 分销(Plac、产品(Product)、价格(Pric、过程(Process) 产品(Product)、价格(Pric、分销(Plac、促销(Promotion) 产品(Product)、价格(Pric、人员(Peopl、过程(Process)
It’s hard to say I didn’t get it You must be kidding Couldn’t be better
Above all What’s more As a result On the contrary
It’s hard to say I didn’t get it You must be kidding Couldn’t be better
It’s hard to say I didn’t get it You must be kidding Couldn’t be better
Above all What’s more As a result On the contrary
产品(Product) 价格(Pric 渠道(Plac 促销(Promotion) 公关(PublicRelation)
产地(product)价格(pric销售地(plac促销(promotion) 产品(product)价格(pric地点(plac促销(promotion) 产品来源(product)价格(pric地点(plac销售方式(promotion)
impression expression presentation comprehension
Above all What’s more As a result On the contrary
Illustrator的文件可以置入(File Plac)TIFF格式的图像 Illustrator的文件可以置入(File Plac)JPEG格式的图像 Illustrator的文件不能置入(File Plac)PSD格式的图像 Illustrator的文件可以置入(File Plac)PSD格式的图像
只影响到“4P”中的渠道(Plac 只影响到“4P”中的促销(Promotio 只影响到“4P”中的价格(Pric、促销(Promotio和渠道(Plac 对“4P”中的四个组成部分都有影响
It’s hard to say I didn’t get it You must be kidding Couldn’t be better
In time Now that As a result On the contrary