To be explained Having explained To explain Having been explained
Speaking please. I can pay for your phone. What You want to borrow some money to buy a phone No change at all. Are you calling from a pay phone Pay phone Why not use my mobile phone
hand in hand side by side face to face eye to eye
However carefully I explained However I explained carefully However I careful explained However careful I explaineD.
I ____the Rescue Center now. A. will be phoning am to phone will phone phone
a phone call was made a phone call was needed I made a phone call I would make a phone call
a phone call was made a phone call was needed I made a phone call I would make a phone call
Speaking please. I can pay for your phone. What You want to borrow some money to buy a phone No change at all. Are you calling from a pay phone Pay phone Why not use my mobile phone
had I explained, he realized had I explained, that he realized I had explained, that he realized I had explained, did he realize
I ____ the Rescue Center now. A.will be phoning am to phone will phone phone
explaining be explained to be explained explaination