江苏省海州新安镇 山东省临城 江苏省海门 江苏省泰州白马庙
in need of in face of in favor of in terms of
先人后己是美德 先己后人是本能 利己必损人 利他必损己
南通市、扬州市 盐城市、南通市 徐州市、南京市 宿迁市、扬州市
张艺谋奥运团队 “神舟七号”航天员 全体中国人 北京奥运安保卫士
alternative considerable subjective realistic
could might must have should have
got across to got close to got away with got along with
serves served had served has served
江苏省人民政府 如皋市人民法院 南通市人民政府 南通市人民法院