situations surroundings conditions environments
get elected to political offices improve the working conditions and living condition support Jane Adams and her organization revise the Constitution
the service industry is relying more and more on the female work force manufacturing industries are steadily increasing people find it harder to earn a living by working in factories most of the job opportunities can now be found in service industry
accustomed to working accustomed to work been accustomed to working been accustomed to work
write regulations in plain English for government agencies. rewrite old rules in plain English for government agencies. help government employees write in plain English. write regulations and letters for government employees.
cost situation level standard
worked have worked had worked have been working
Since If Although Because
worked have worked had worked have been working
the disproportion of recreation facilities in the neighbourhood the location of recreation facilities far from home relatively little attention for recreative possibilities the improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighbourhood
accustomed to working accustomed to work been accustomed to working been accustomed to work
cost situation level standard
cost situation level standard
culture shock sociocentrism temporal shock ethnocentrism
A. work working to work having worked