Walt Disney and His Mickey Mouse Walt Disney Becoming Famous One of the Most Famous Film Stars Walt Disney Drawing Pictures
some mice the waste paper the basket Walt Disney
having; to know having; knowing to have; to know to have; knowing
give away give out give up give in
the stranger would not return again Shorty would not come back soon trouble might happen around the shop Shorty would lose his life in the storm
No. not at all of course not I’d rather you didn’t sure, go ahead
on the lake at night by the lake in the afternoon along the river in spring near the river in summer
reading singing drawing playing
stories are created nonfiction stories are true legends are a type of story most stories are historical accounts
Walt Disney and His Mickey Mouse Walt Disney Becoming Famous One of the Most Famous Film Stars Walt Disney Drawing Pictures
only best better the better
in the end at the end in the end of at the end of
The story-maker. The characters. The publisher. The proofreader.