is an indication of the amount of noncombustible material present in the oil indicates the quantity of energy released by burning a unit amount of the fuel is useful for determining proper atomization temperatures reflects the overall thermal efficiency of the fuel oil service system
in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measures to take in the event of any impending action in machinery spaces that may cause reductionin ship ’s speed when isolating and bypassing machinery to be worked on co-operating with any engineer in charge of maintenance work
How are you doing What do you do How do you do What are you doing'
拉拽 zhuài 羸弱 lěi 怏怏不乐yàng 告磬 qìng 泅水 qiú 养精蓄锐ruì 遗孀shuāng 砭骨 biān 梦寐以求mèi 崔巍 wēi 阴霾 mái 孜孜不倦zī
didn\'t see, operating haven\'t seen, an operation
haven\'t seen, to be operated hadn\'t seen, operating on
operated had been operating was operating am operating
operated had been operating was operating am operating
擢升(zhuó) 租赁(lìnɡ) 机杼(zhù) 载笑载言(zài) 落蕊(ruì) 葳蕤(ruí) 公姥(mǔ) 踯躅不前(zhú) 惩创(chénɡ) 伶俜(pīnɡ) 卜筮(bǔ) 长歌当哭(dànɡ) 踵武(zhǒnɡ) 肇事(shào) 歆羡(xīn) 前仆后继(pū)
operated had been operating was operating am operating
偌大(ruò) 焖饭(mèn) 强颜欢笑(qiǎng) 精神萎靡(mǐ) 央浼(miǎn) 绮丽(qǐ) 韦编三绝(wéi) 谆谆教导(zhūn) 漱口(shù) 克扣(kē) 嘉言懿行(yì) 顺蔓摸瓜(wàn) 豢养(huàn) 卡壳(qiǎ) 怅望低徊(huái) 拾级而上(shè)
盛筵yàn 幢chuánɡ节 弱冠ɡuàn 沐猴而冠ɡuàn 咂zhā摸 绊pàn倒 伺sì候 伺sì机而动 偌ruò大 忤hǔ逆 风靡mí 靡mǐ计不施 栉jié比 刽kuài子手 挣揣chuāi 揣chuǎi度心思
肄业 (yì) 阡陌 (qiān) 梦寐 (mèi) 芥蒂(jiè) 酝酿(niàng) 天籁 (lài) 澄澈 (chéng) 落蕊(ru?? ) 窥视 (kūi) 棹桨(zhào) 初霁(jì) 浊酒(zhuó) 迸射(bèng) 袅袅 (ni??o) 纤纤(xiān) 悄然(qiāo)
模样(mó) 忒坏(tuī) 寤寐(wù) 三阮(ruǎn) 揣摩(chuǎi) 解元(jiè) 少顷(qǐng) 辋川(wǎng) 纨绔(wán) 三昧(mèi) 橄榄(gǎn) 尴尬(gà) 怔怔(zhèng) 姊妹(zǐ) 锭子(dìng) 恁地(nèn)
an; hard a; hard an; hardly a; hardly
an; hard a; hard an; hardly a; hardly
How are you doing What do you do How do you do What are you doing'
teacher waiter reporter engineer
What are you going to be How are you going to be an actor Why are you going to be an actor How are you going to be an engineer