keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
smoking; are blamed smoke; are punished smoking; are to blame smoking; are to punished
keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
being punished punished punishing to punish
keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
from punishing from being punished being punished punished
abolish exchanged disobey predicted
punished being punished to be punished punishing
keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
keep away from keep away with get away from get away with
with, punished against, punished against, be punished with, be punished
will talk back talked back will talk about talk back
needn''t punish should have punished needn''t have punished wouldn''t punish
from punishing from being punished being punished punished