That sounds really cool! I’m going to Hainan Island, too. How cool you are! Cheers!
dressed up dressing up was dressed up being dressed up
asking being asked asked having asked
offer have offered are offered will be offereD.
That sounds really cool! I’m going to Hainan Island,too. How cool you are! Cheers!
How interesting you are! Cheers! Sounds really cool! I’ll go there, too.
What; whomever That; whatever If; whoever 不填; whatever
looks sounds becomes feels (2005年辽宁中考试题)
feels looks tastes sounds
offer have offered are offered will be offered
tastes sounds smells looks
Sounds really cool! Cheers! How interesting you are! I’II go therE.too.
ravel travelled to travel being travelled
It sounds good It is cool and humid I don’t like it He is working
That’s cool Good luck Sounds great Take it easy
Listens Looks Sounds Hears
asking being asked asked having asked
be ;cooling be; cool being; cool being; cooling
be ;cool be ;cooling being; cool being ;cooling
That’s cool Glad to hear that Sounds great Take it easy