one size larger than the pump discharge nozzle the same size as the pump discharge nozzle one size smaller than the pump discharge nozzle installed with a short radius elbow at the pump
A.single flower doesn’t make a spring. A.man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. A.still tongue makes a wise hea D. All that glitters is not golD.
类风湿因子持续高滴度阳性 HEA-DR4阳性 多发类风湿结节 2年内发生关节骨侵蚀 抗核抗体阳性
recommended opposed suspected felt
Securing equipment against slipping or drifting Operating machinery at its recommended speed Repairing loose handles on tools before using Using tools for purpose for which they are not designed
recommends recommended had recommended was recommending
What is strongly recommended As is strongly recommended It is strongly recommended He strongly recommends to
Meta(MIME字符集信息) Keywords(网页的关键字信息) Description(网页或网站的描述信息) Base(设置网页的主目录)
accepted recommended rejected recommended
Yes No Sometimes Only if recommended by weatherrouteing
recommended; added recommended; adding will be recommended ; added to be recommended; to be added
recommended; suggested gave; advised recommended; advised suggested; demanded
焦虑紧张(ANX) 抑郁空虚(DEP) 自我低估(LSE) 关注健康(HEA)
病前主动防 预防疾病、拯救生命 病后科学管 提高人民生活质量 坚持健康促进与疾病预防用以节约开支
to use to be used being used using
bought; to buy buy; buying would buy; to buy bought; buying