胆总管结石 化脓性胆管炎 胰头癌 胆道蛔虫 急性胆囊炎
Application,presentation,session,network,transport,datalink,physical Application,presentation,session,transport,network,datalink,physical Application,session,transport,physical-network-physical-datalink Application-session-transport-network-physical-physical-datalink
physics quickly library ticket
the Physical, Network, and Session Layers the Physical, Data Link, and Network Layers the Physical, Data Link, and Transport Layers the Physical, Session, and Presentation layers
价格(price ),渠道(place ),促销(promotion ),物理特征(physical evidence ),流程( processes ),人员( people ) 渠道( place ),促销( promotion ),物理特征( physical evidence ),流程(processes ),人员( people ) 产品(product ),价格(price ),渠道(place ),促销(promotion ),物理特征(physical evidence ),流程( processes ),人员( people ) 产品(product ),价格(price ),渠道(place ),促销(promotion ),物理特征(physical evidence ),流程( processes ),人员( people ) 产品(product ),价格(price ),渠道(place ),促销(promotion ),物理特征(physical evidence )
Application、session、transport、network、physical、physical、datalink Application,presentation,session,network,transport,datalink,physical Application,presentation,session,transport,network,datalink,physical Application,session,transport,physical、network、physical、datalink
physics medicine physicist society
胆总管结石 化脓性胆管炎 胰头癌 胆道蛔虫 急性胆囊炎
it is important to build up one's physical capacity it is no good having much physical training it is more important to know one's capacity than to win tile race it is important to have physical training while one trains his mind
a reverse ordering will help promote the development of the physical sciences our knowledge of physical systems is more reliable than that of social systems our understanding of the social systems is approximately correct we are better able to investigate social phenomena than physical phenomena
mind actively spite physical