to; to on; to with; to with; on
his,her his,hers him,hers him,her
his ; her his ; hers him ; hers him ; her
1 will deal I do deal will I deal do I deal
know recognize enjoy agree
his; his him; him him; his his; him
I don’t agree with you I can’t agree more I can’t agree any less I don’t agree more
his;him him;his you;me yours;mine
his, her his, hers him, hers him, her
1 will deal I do deal will I deal do I deal
advised persuaded suggested advised
I will deal I do deal will I deal do I deal
I don’t agree with you I can’t agree more I can’t agree any less I don’t agree more
his, her his, hers him, hers him, her
agree hoped suggested advised
Why not? I agree with him. You are lucky. No,I don't want to.