Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
retraining of old people in modern skills. the trend toward early retirement. the expansion of agriculture and manufacturing industry. the declining younger labor force.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Retirement stopped being practiced. Age limitation in retirement was abolished. Retired people were no longer entitled to pensions. Age discrimination was legally abolished.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
it gives more leisure to old people than they know how to use. it costs too much money in the form of retirement pensions. it is too rigid and flexibility should be integrated into it. retirement should be practiced only in the public sector.
are less productive than younger people. prefer working to retiring. are reliable workers. are less dependable.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Because it is believed that to manage an older workforce is challenging. Because retirement expands opportunities for self-fulfillment in later life. Because older workers can adjust to retirement soon. Because it is supported by both government and private industry.