blocking to block blocked to be blocked
reading, seeing reading, looking at seeing, seeing seeing, looking at
Seeing Having seen Seen The driver seeing
to block blocking blocked to be blocked
Seeing a man lying on the ground On seeing a man sitting on the road The driver saw a man standing on the road Directly the driver saw a man sitting on the road
blocking blocked to block to be blocked
Seeing a boy lying on the road On seeing a boy sitting on the road The driver had seen a boy standing on the road The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road
seeing to seeing to see see
Seeing a boy lying on the ground On seeing a boy sitting on the ground The driver saw a boy standing on the road The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road
to which in which for which at which
Seeing a boy lying on the road On seeing a boy sitting on the road The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road The driver had seen a boy standing on the road
blocking to block block blocked
blocking to block block blocked
watching out working out looking into seeing through
Having seen Seeing The driver seeing When seeing
blocking to block blocked to be blocked
blocking to block blocked to be blocked
Seeing a boy lying on the ground On seeing a boy sitting on the road The driver saw a boy standing on the road The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road
seeing, seeing watching, watching seeing,, watching watching, seeing