rather than going rather than go than going rather than to go
going; rather than stay going; to staying to go; rather than staying to go; rather than to go
rather than going rather than go rather than to go rather than goes
Being; rather than To be; rather than Being; more than To be; more than
rather than; is rather; are more than; are less than; is
other than or rather more than rather than
Rather than allowing Rather than to allow More than allow Rather than allow
would die than give in rather die than give in preferred to die rather than give in rather than die prefer give in
Rather than More than Rather No sooner than
Rather than;preferred to Other than;preferred to Rather than;would rather Other than; would rather
Rather than allowing Rather than to allow More than allow Rather than allow
to;other than by;rather than to;rather than by;more than
more than; are less than ; who are rather than ; that is rather than ; is
more than ,arE. less than ,who arE. rather than,who is rather than ,is
more than; are less than; who are rather than; that is rather than; is
to; other than by; rather than to; rather than by; more than
more than; are less than; who are rather than; that is rather than; is
prefers , to , would rather , than would rather , than , prefer , to prefers , than , would rather ,to would rather , to ,prefer , to
prefer do; rather than copy prefer doing; than copy would do; rather than copy would rather do; than copy