Change to component A from component Component A costs more to purchase but has a lower life cycle cost than Change task A to be completed by resource B instead of Resource C, Resource B is a more experienced worke Move tasks B and H to occur concurrently, and take the risk of a 30% increase in the need for five more resources late Remove a test from the project pla
Had he lied to the boss Did he lie to the boss If he has lied to the boss If he lies to the boss
the boss didn’t seem satisfied the boss seemed that he was not satisfied it seemed not to have satisfied it looked that the boss was not satisfied
The boss were not to return The boss didn’t return Didn’t the boss return Were the boss not to return
The boss didn’t return The boss were not to return Were the boss not to return Didn’t the boss return
works is working . has worke D. worked
does the boss come will it the boss comes will it has the boss come it will the boss comes it will
Had he not lied to the boss Did he not lie to the boss If he has not lied to the boss If he didn’t lie to the boss
Had he lied to the boss Did he lie to the boss If he has lied to the boss If he lies to the boss
they are put in the envelope by mistake the boss wants to give him a test the boss wants to make him glad the boss wants to increase his wage
has worke had worked worked has been working
when I have power, I will have happiness being a boss is more important than feeling happy when I become a boss, I will never search for happiness boss and this thing mean the same to boss and I