previous reliable reasonable responsible
unless while although once
Not quite Go ahead No way No good
汉朝推行重农抑商政策 唐朝商品经济发展
徽商活动遍布全国各地 商人地位不断提高
As you like By all means As a result Believe it or not
got stuck; would have come got stuck; was have got stuck; would have come had got stuck; would come
福建省泉州市德化县 江西省景德镇市 山东省淄博市 浙江省龙泉市 湖南省株洲市醴陵市
couldn’t wouldn’t needn’t mustn’t
go ahead come on you needn’t it doesn’t matter
枯槁 告磬 挖墙角 翻来覆去 地窖 鳌头 座右铭 如坐针毡 凛冽 取缔 通缉令 风靡一时 客栈 娴熟 顶梁柱 味同嚼蜡
不是所有的酶都是蛋白质,有些酶的化学本质是脂质或者RNA 低温和低pH都会使酶的活性降低,但这种降低都没有破坏酶的分子结构 酶具有高效性,因此酶浓度不会影响酶促反应速度 DNA聚合酶水解后的产物是氨基酸
Never had I found Seldom did I find Hardly had I found No sooner did I find
淄博市财政局会计处 山东省财政厅 淄博市审计局 淄博市财政局监督管理处
保障法官的人身安全 实现“三权分立” 防止高级司法人员流失 鼓励法官忠于职守
would have been should be has been had been