is IQ gene has nothing to do with IQ gene stimulates nerves to grow is decisive to the development of intelligence
is IQ gene has nothing to do with IQ gene stimulates nerves to grow is decisive to the development of intelligence
there may not be a causal link between gene and intelligence there is a close correlation between gene and intelligence there may be a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic score there is not a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic score
the subjects are not worldwide the subjects are from the groups that emphasize academic achievement the findings have not been replicated by other researchers both A and B
unrelated to the ability to use chopsticks related to the ability to use chopsticks unrelated to the ability to use forks related to the ability to use forks
is IQ gene. encourages nerves to grow. has nothing to do with IQ gene. is decisive to the development of intelligence.
there may not be a causal link between gene and intelligence there is a close correlation between gene and intelligence there may be a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic score there is not a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic SCOre
He would consider them while eating his meals. He definitely believes the findings. He would consider them while shopping for salt. He doubts the findings very much.
skeptically willingly publicly undoubtedly
there may not be a causal link between gene and intelligence there is a close correlation between gene and’ intelligence there may be a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic score there is not a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children’s academic score
called on called at called into called for
call called has called have called
called on called at called into called for
Parents. Children. Experiences. Genes.