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the value of software should be considered as a whole. tech buyers should care little about license. a license doesn’t comprise support and maintenance. customers have to pay a lot to get a license.
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the value of software should be considered as a whole. tech buyers should care little about license. a license doesn't comprise support and maintenance. customers have to pay a lot to get a license.
一个license文件对应一个网管计算机的ESN 禁止对license文件做任何形式的修改,否则license会失效 对于多网卡的服务器,只需对U2000的主用网卡申请license 必须保证U2000的―server/license ‖ 目录下只有一个license文件
reach an agreement come to an agreement draw an agreement arrive at an agreement
the value of software should be considered as a whole. tech buyers should care little about license. a license doesn’t comprise support and maintenance. customers have to pay a lot to get a license.
没有License文件时,系统无法正常运行 没有License文件时,系统可以正常运行,但用户数被限制为4K License文件只需要加载到主用SMU上,不需要加载到备用SMU上 License文件需要加载到主用SMU上,也需要加载到备用SMU上
the value of software should be considered as a whole. tech buyers should care little about license. a license doesn't comprise support and maintenance. customers have to pay a lot to get a license.
letter Of credit;letter Of guarantee;license letter Of guarantee;letter Of credit;license letter Of guarantee;license;letter Of credit license;letter Of credit;letter Of guarantee
letter of credit;letter of guarantee;license letter of guarantee;letter of credit;license letter of guarantee;license;letter of credit license;letter of credit;letter of guarantee
工程安装人员按统一模板反馈《视讯License申请表》,同时附带原License文件 华为工程师根据申请表模板内的合同号,查询此合同号内的详细license信息并制作license文件 工程安装人员将新license文件覆盖原文件,重启服务后验证license信息正确性 拷贝原有的其他license文件可做临时使用
商用升级局点LICENSE文件申请流程:如果升级之前已经配置了半速率或EDGE功能且没有LICENSE支持,则根据客户的要求生成相关的ESN。 非商用LICENSE文件请通过NOTES数据库申请得到。 商用新局点LICENSE文件申请流程为:找出随货发出的《License授权书》,上面有LAC号码,然后通过公司内部网,使用WEB浏览器登陆到如下网址申请。 商用LICENSEESN改变申请流程:如果设备运行过程中ESN号改变,包括MSC信令点改变、BSC信令点改变,此时需要重新申请license文件。
LICENSE内的capacity值除以2 LICENSE内的capacity值除以1.5 LICENSE内的capacity值除以2.05 LICENSE内的capacity值即为容量值
License控制的主要是用户接入的数目; License是授权文件,根据LAC码和ESN码在License生成网站上生成并加载到系统中; 更换主控板之后一般不需要重新申请License; 如果没有加载license,则只能接入4K用户。
the value of software should be considered as a whole. tech buyers should care little about license. a license doesn’t comprise support and maintenance. customers have to pay a lot to get a license.