as cold as much colder than not so cold as not colder than
to close close closing closes
aren't closing won't close won't be closed aren't closed
won’t shut won’t be shut hasn’t shut isn’t shut
as cold as much colder than not so cold as not colder than
closes close shall close will close
closes close shall close will close
to close; Not at all myclosing; Never mind my closing; Certainly not to close; Better not
Let me see No, why not Yes, thatll be better Yes, go ahead
put away let out talk with keep out
as cold as not colder than not so cold as a lot colder than
beside before with behind
closes shall close will close Close
won't shut won't be shut doesn't shut isn't shut
close closely closed closing
What; that; what What; that; why That; what; that Why; that; which