worth; borrow worth ;lend worthy; borrow worthy ;lend
basing, reading based, being read to be based, to read based, reading
which what in which of which
well worth; buying very worth; to buy worthying , buying worthy, to buy
reading; to buy reading; buying read; to buy to read; buying
to read read reading to reading
reading seeing watching looking
which what in which of which
read; to buy reading; buying reading; to buy to read; buying
to read to be read being read reading
truer true the truest as true
truer true the truest as true
reading a second reading the second to read a second to read the second
read, be supposed to reading, is supposed to reading, is supposed read, are supposed to
basing; seeing based; being seen basing; being seen based; seeing
read;to buy reading;buying reading;to buy to read;to buy
are worthy buying are worth to buy is worth buying is worth to buy
well ; reading very; reading very; to read well; being read