in which to which which that
only old words take on new meanings a tree throws out new branches as the words pick up hew meanings words obtain new meanings from time to time it is possible for the old words to lose their old senses
their dominant meanings have not been determined sometimes they mean something different from their dominant meanings our natural impulse makes a mistake the dominant sense of a word is not accurate in our minds
pronunciation intonation spelling meanings
of which the meanings meanings of which whose of meanings meanings of whose
of which the meanings meanings of which whose of meanings meanings of whose
on which to which with which in which
usually always never sometimes
a good mood and a pleasant psychological state. a positive mood and a good physical state. a positive mood and a positive attitude toward one's poor health. a positive mood and a. positive attitude toward one's social status.
what does‘positive energy’mean what‘positive energy’means if it means‘positive energy’ that it means‘positive energy’
hyponymy synonymy polysemy homonymy