forgive satisfy apologize gain
Take it easy Take your time Not at all Do as you like
Don't mention it Take your time Not at all Do as you please
have keep have kept have keeping keep
Leave it alone Take your time Not at all Do as you please
Take it easy Take your time Not at all. Do as you likE.
was had been will be have been
gain satisfy apologize forgive
wait waiting to wait waited
Take it easy. Take your timE. Not at all Do as you likE.
You’re welcome No problem Not at all It doesn’t matter
Take it easy Take your time Not at all Do as you like
Take it easy Take your time That’s all right Do as you please
forgive satisfy apologize gain
wait waits waiting to wait
Take it easy Take your time Not at all Do as you please
Take it easy Take your time Not at all Do as you like
Forget it Take your time Not at all Do as you like