in; in up; up up; in in; up
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money
so does Mrs Smith neither doesn’t Mrs nor does Mrs Smith nor Mrs Smith does
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money
so does Mrs. Smith Mrs. Smith doesn't too nor does Mrs. Smith nor Mrs. Smith does
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money
Mr. Sam Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith Mrs. Sam
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money
Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith The Smith family Mr. Smith and his son
so does Mrs smith neither doesn't Mrs smith nor does Mrs smith nor Mrs smith does
had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey had traveled to many places had often stayed in a small inn had made a lot of money