If you tell me Tell me You will tell me If you would tell me
whom you think who do you think who you think whom do you think
When was the machine invented? Who the machine invented Whom the machine was invented by Who was the machine invented by?
was written by was written is written is written by
whom you think who do you think who you think whom do you think
whom who whomever whoever
Could you tell me how to get to the post office? Could you tell me the way to the post office? How can I get to the post office? Can you tell me which way should I go?
To tell me Telling me If you tell me Tell me
what our teacher is what is your teacher B. whom is you teacher who you teacher is
who is that gentleman that gentleman is who who that gentleman is whom is that gentleman
whom does this dictionary belong to whom this dictionary is belonged to Whom this dictionary belongs to Whom this dictionary is belonging to
whom you think who do you think who you think whom do you think
whom whomever whose whoever