man possesses a few more senses than animals man possesses as many senses as animals man has fully utilized his senses man possesses far more senses than the five major ones
who their trainers are they will be praised by their trainers they will get a reward something dangerous will happen to them
the bad weather the depth of the ocean scientist’ lack of interest unkown
who their trainers are they will be praised by their trainers they will get a reward something dangerous will happen to them
who their trainers are they will be praised by their trainers they will get a reward something dangerous will happen to them
living things on the move the most famous migration mice in northern Europe migration of lobsters
man possesses far more senses than the five major ones man possesses a few more senses than animals man possesses as many senses as animals man has fully utilized his senses
they are short of food there is not enough space it’s getting warmer in the low land it’s getting coldier in the mountains
living things on the move the most famous migration mice in northern Europe migration of lobsters
they are short of food there is not enough space it’s getting warmer in the low land it’s getting coldier in the mountains