isn't it is it doesn't it does it
doesn't hasn't isn't it wasn't it
don’t allow isn’t allowed mustn’t allow mustn’t be allowed
is it, isn’t it isn't it, it is is itl is it isn't it; isn't it
Would you like Why not What about Why don’t
isn’t it is it isn’t there is there
doesn’t it isn’t it don’t you aren’t they
is it isn’t it it is it isn’t
It’s cool It’s Tuesday It’s eight o’clock It’s sunny.
it's really a nice day today, isn't it? what knid of weather are we going to have today? do you think it is going to rain today? what' it like outside today?
what day is How is the weather like What is the date What's the weather like
carries on moves on goes up keeps up
very bad day for swimming, isn't it? A. So it is So is it Nor it is Nor is it
carries on moves on keeps up goes up
it's really a nice day today, isn't it? what knid of weather are we going to have today? do you think it is going to rain today? what' it like outside today?
carries on moves on keeps up goes up