for ; for for ; by by ; for by ; by
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); (A和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");
study, to study study, studied studied, study study, study
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
fifail() ; fibad() ; fin,good() ; fieof();
for, in, with for, by, at for, by, with of, in, by
B.C.D.四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。—There’s a big test on Tuesday.I really need some help.Can you tell me ______? —Sure!A.how do you study for a test when do you study for a test how to study for a test when to study for a test
for, by by, in for, from by, for
for, in, for, by, for, by, of, in,
with; in for; in for; with with; with
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); 和 ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");
for, in, with for, by, at for, by, with of, in, by
how does he study for a test why he studies for a test how he studies for a test when he studies for a test
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); A)和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");
fin.fail() ; fin.bad() ; fin,good() ; fin.eof();
fin. fail( ) ; fin. bad( ) ; fin. good( ) ; fin. eof( ) ;
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
for, in, with for, by, at for, by, with of, in, by
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); A)和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");