PRIV all PUBLIC all all=0 STORE 0 TO all
public abstract int read() throws IOException public final void writeInt (int V)throws IOException public int available() throws IOException public void close() throws IOException
in common in public in store in return
public abstract int read( ) throws IOException public final void writeInt (int throws IOException public void close( )throws IOException public int available( )throws IOException
public abstract int read()throws IOException public final void writeInt(int v)throws IOException public void close()throws IOException public int available()throws IOException
in common in public in store in return
toilet theatre department store pub
close his store enlarge his store change his store sell his store
public abstract int read( )throws IOException public final void writeInt(int throws IOException pubfic void close( )throws IOException pubfic int available( )throws IOExcepfion
in store in return in public in general
toilet theatre department store pub
There is; to be worried It is ; to be worried It is ; to worry There is; to worry
would be asked was asked asked has asked
public abstract int read( ) throws IOException public final void writeInt (int v) throws IOException public void close( )throws IOException public int available( )throws IOException
a shop assistant a store manager the manufacturer a public organization
public abstract int read()throws IOException public final void writeInt(int throws IOException public void close()throws IOException public int available()throws IOException