used was used to used to is used to
What time Where How What color
What does he like What is he like How is he How does he like you
when does your mother usually cook breakfast how your mother usually cooks breakfast when your mother usually cooks breakfast how does your mother usually cook breakfast
used to, is used to walk was used to, is used to walking was used to, is used to walk used to, is used to walking
practising playing practise to play practise playing to practise to play
doesn’t, Yes does, Yes doesn’t, No does, No
practices speaking practising speaking practising speak practise speak
used to , is used to walk was used to , is used to walking used to, is used to walking was used to , used to walk
What; spend How; spend How; spent What; spent
What does he look like What does he do How old is he How is he
is, doing does, does do, does does, do