Got it Made it Heard it Taken it
to turn off turning off to turn on turning on
Got it Made it Heard it Taken it
am going to am to will should
Excuse me Sorry Pardon Don’t you
of turn off have turned off that you turn off turning off
A. turn on turn off put on put off
tell you don’t told you not to told you to not told you don’t
turn off to turn off turning off turned off
turning on to turn off to turn on turns off.
must turn off will turn off
must be turned off
Make sure Make up Pay attention Go over
turn on turn off turn down turn right
turn on turn off turn up turn down
turn on turn off turn up turn down
Heard it Made it Got it Taken it
die out go out turn off put on
Excuse me Sorry Pardon Don’t you
turn on turn off turn up turn down