you really have me there that depends I can’t tell you there is some doubt
Not necessarily Not really No doubt No wonder
you really have me there that depends I can’t tell you there is some doubt
I don’t hope so. Do you really think so? You are wrong. There is no doubt.
to have;you to be having;that you being to have;you are having;that you are
Don't worry I couldn't agree more Of course A piece of cake
Don’t worry I couldn’t agree more Of course A piece of cake
Don't worry Of course A piece of cake I couldn't agree more
OK Sure Really Is that so
a more beautiful a most beautiful the most beautiful a beautiful
you really have me there that depends I can't tell you there is some doubt
doubt wonder chance point
to have; you to be having; that you are to have; you are having; that you being
doubt believe think support
Don’t worry I couldn’t agree more Of course A.piece of cake
Don't worry Of course A piece of cake I couldn't agree more